Archive by Author

Why you need to break your habits, balanced habits 10

14 Mar

The success of living your habits depends on 3 elements:
  1. habits link directly to your long-term goals
  2. habits give you enjoyment every day
  3. you have to know when to break your habits

You are not a robot

Habits are great, but don’t just mindlessly follow your preset routines. Continue reading

How to create everyday happiness, balanced habits 9

5 Mar

Smile, what’s the use of crying?

You’ll find the life is still worthwhile

If you just smile

“Smile”, by Nat King Cole

Being happy is easy…

All you need to do is to 1) think and 2) act in the happy way! Focus your mind on the positive, and act in a way that transmits positive emotions. Continue reading

How to ensure unlimited energy (without coffee), balanced habits 8

12 Feb

Don’t get me wrong… I love my espresso.

Especially Illy!

I just believe that there are better ways than coffee to ensure the energy in my life!

The three pillars of living with energy

If you want to feel enjoy an abundance of energy in your everyday life, do these 3 things: Continue reading

Why your Grandma has better diet than you, balanced habits 7

2 Feb

I absolutely love eating. And I absolutely love being healthy. Funnily enough, it’s easy to achieve the both at the same time…

Two best-known secrets of healthy eating: more nutrients & less processed stuff

Eating healthy is really simple. Continue reading

Why hugs and beer will support your personal development – balanced habits 6

26 Jan

If you want to have a happy home, spend time with your family.

If you want to have fun, go out with people who make you laugh.

People will enrich your life… if you let the right people into your life.

Who are worth of your time

Start by being clear on your own needs. Who are the people who you absolutely want to spend time with. Continue reading