Tag Archives: body

How to ensure unlimited energy (without coffee), balanced habits 8

12 Feb

Don’t get me wrong… I love my espresso.

Especially Illy!

I just believe that there are better ways than coffee to ensure the energy in my life!

The three pillars of living with energy

If you want to feel enjoy an abundance of energy in your everyday life, do these 3 things: Continue reading

Why your Grandma has better diet than you, balanced habits 7

2 Feb

I absolutely love eating. And I absolutely love being healthy. Funnily enough, it’s easy to achieve the both at the same time…

Two best-known secrets of healthy eating: more nutrients & less processed stuff

Eating healthy is really simple. Continue reading

Move your body, balanced habits 3

22 Nov

Morning silence is punctuated by my deep breathing. At the pace of my breaths, I’m settling into the yoga postures. Air going in and out, postures fluidly changing to others… The slow stretches remove the tightness, leaving my body feeling light. I am energized, and ready for the day.

I come home after work with tired mind and bored body. I re-activate myself for the evening with small exercise… just 15 minutes of body-weight work in close-by park, or maybe 10 minutes of iaido-movements in tatami-room. No more work-thoughts or stress, no more stagnated energy after too many hours of sitting. I am ready to fully focus on my wife, and then on good food.

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Wake up early, balanced habits 1

14 Nov

Lazy me: Setting the alarm for 7:00, but getting up at 7:20 after snoozing. Jumping up feeling stressed, as I am already running late. Quickly getting dressed, eating breakfast while standing and rushing out of the door.

While commuting I slowly start to wake, and to get mentally ready for the day. Just hoping that in the evening I would have some time for myself…

Balanced me: Alarm goes off at 5:30. I let myself to wake up slowly and sense the morning. I have ample of time for myself: meditation, yoga and studying Japanese to activate my soul, body, and mind. I enjoy a relaxed breakfast together with my wife, discussing about the upcoming day.

While commuting, I feel already like a winner. Even before reaching my workplace, I have already invested holistically into my development and well-being.

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Balanced in 20 minutes, the power of small installments

8 Oct

The biggest reason for failing to live a balanced life is by trying too much. Making grand plans on how you want your everyday life look like is OK, but eventually the only thing that matters is what you do, every day! Start small, and enjoy these small victories of living the life that you want.

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